ACUPUNCTURE is Intangible Heritage of Humanity, by UNESCO. It is one of the techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Through the insertion of needles, we help to prevent and treat various imbalances in people. Acupuncture points are located in small depressions in the skin, called ‘men’ or ‘gates’. Through these points, access is gained to the internal circulation of Qi (subtle energy) and Blood. Fourteen energy channels run through the body from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers and toes. Acupuncture, in scientific language, modifies the transmission of nerve impulses between the spinal cord and the brain.
A healthy exterior begins on the inside.
On a massage table. We will proceed to insert the needles in different points, in order to stimulate the body-mind to regain its balance, and thus health. The points selected will depend on the imbalance suffered by the client. Previously, it is necessary to make a diagnosis according to the principles of TCM.
The main benefits of Acupuncture are that it helps to restore balance and health. It is particularly useful because it treats the symptoms and the root of the imbalance. And finally, it has no side effects.
Acupuncture is focused on treating discomfort, tensions and contractures of the BACK and NECK ( CERVICALGIAS, DORSALGIAS, LUMBAGIAS AND CIATIC). It also relieves HEADACHE (HEADACHE AND MIGRAINE), TINCHING AND DIZZINESS. Especially recommended for CHRONIC TIREDNESS, EXHAUSTION, BURN-OUT (BEING BURNED). On the other hand, it improves JOINT PAINTS AND LIMITATIONS (SHOULDER, ELBOW, WRIST, HIP, KNEE, KNEE AND ANKLE, HANDS AND FEET). It also influences cardio-respiratory disorders (colds, coughs, asthma, dyspnoea, palpitations, chest pain, allergies, etc.). It also acts on disorders related to EATING and DIGESTION (EPIGESTRIAL PAIN, Nausea and VOMITING, FITNESS, ULCER, ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHEA, STRESS, ANOREXIA, … etc.). It improves the imbalances caused by STRESS, IRRITABILITY, EXCESS CONCERN, INSECURITY, APATHY, INSOMNIA, GUILT, SEPARATIONS, GRIEF, ANXIETY,…etc. . On the other hand, it helps with problems related to SEXUALITY, both MALE and FEMALE. In addition to problems related to MENSTRUATION and MENOPAUSE, and finally, FERTILITY, as well as care during PREGNANCY, PREGNANCY AND POST-PARTUM.
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